
Section 7... Living The Faith... The Biblical Christian/
The Christian And Knowledge/ Theology and Doctrine. Part III

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The Christian and Knowledge:
 Theology and Doctrine. Part III

Carol Brooks

See the evidence the Christian faith is based on HERE

PART I: The words "theology" and "doctrine" are not only widely misunderstood, but brushed aside by many who do not recognize that they are both are crucial to saving faith. All Christians have theology and doctrine - the question is whether or not we learned good theology, resulting in right doctrine, or whether we learned bad theology resulting in false doctrine. If you don't think this is all that important, consider for a moment  the many New Testament warnings about sound doctrine. Saul of Tarsus and Apollos underscore the point that someone can be sincere and religious, but sincerely and religiously wrong. Many argue that some doctrinal issues are more important than others except that some wrong beliefs can have unforeseen and far-reaching consequences. Is Biblical doctrine too difficult to grasp? 

PART II: Is doctrine really that important? - It certainly is if you consider that doctrine determines practice (what a person does (practice) is based on what they believe (doctrine), right doctrine is essential to salvation and evangelization, and the consequence of false doctrine are catastrophic.

PART III: Discerning the difference. The ONLY way to recognize the counterfeit is by knowing what is genuine.  How NOT to decide what to believe. For example, never assume that a person, or a group, is orthodox simply because they uses orthodox language, can quote Scriptures at the drop of a hat, sound very "Biblical", claim to perform miracles, are very charismatic and/or are very "successful"

Discerning The Difference Between Orthodoxy and Heresy
The incessant and relentless bombardment of false doctrines in the church today make it imperative that all Christians know the difference between orthodox and heretical doctrine. The New Testament directs all Christians to exercise discernment . However, the only way a person can recognize the counterfeit is if they are familiar with the genuine .

How NOT To Decide What Not To Believe
Too many Christians, using no discernment whatsoever, rely on faulty, unreliable, and may I say it?... extremely stupid, methods to decide what they are going to believe.

How To Decide What To Believe
The only safe course is for Christians to strictly adhere to the ultimate tool given to enable us to distinguish between those teachings that are true, and those teachings which are not. But, in order to use this tool we have to have to be familiar with it.

What Does The Bible Command Us To Do When we Come Across False Teachings?
The Bible's instructions on how to deal with those who teach and practice false doctrine in the church are a very explicit two step process.

Discerning The Difference
Recognizing the Counterfeit By Getting Familiar With The Genuine
While there are some believers that regard as heretics anyone who disagrees with them on the smallest issue, far more Christians seems to be influenced by modern society's "tolerant" outlook and regard any and all charges of heresy as disrespectful, unloving and intolerant. (By the way, most people who bandy the word "intolerant" around, really need to refer to a good dictionary. They apparently, do not have the slightest idea what the word means).

The incessant and relentless bombardment of false doctrines in the church today make it imperative that all Christians know the difference between orthodox and heretical doctrine. However, the object of doing so is not to prove yourself right, and them wrong. It is protect yourself, your family, and whomsoever else that you can, from being led astray and, thus, possibly forfeiting eternal life. It is a serious matter and should never be undertaken lightly.

So how is a person to distinguish Biblical teachings from heretical ones, especially in light of the fact that the deception is daily getting more subtle, so much so that it is increasingly easy to mistake falsehoods, which now closely resemble the real thing, for authentic Christianity. Craig Hawkins, founder and President of Apologetics Information Ministry (A.I.M.) said it very well...

    We must realize that the way to deceive people with counterfeits is to imitate the genuine article as closely as possible. For example, if counterfeiters want to pass off fake one-hundred-dollar bills, they do not print Donald Duck's picture on purple paper. Instead they attempt to duplicate a true bill. Similarly, despicable persons who try to deceive others attempt to appear genuine and sincere. They do not walk up to you and inform you that they are there to deceive and defraud you. The far more effective method is faking friendship and fidelity.” [01].

However, this does not mean that Christians (including the leaders), who believe in and communicate false doctrine, are deliberately passing on what they know to be false. In most cases, I would imagine that they, like the average person who hands a cashier a fake $20 bill without the slightest idea that it is counterfeit, are simply passing on what they believe to be true.

The only way a person can recognize counterfeit money is if they are familiar with genuine money - the better the counterfeit, the more familiar we have to be with the real thing. In exactly the same way, we can only recognize false doctrine if we are well acquainted with true doctrine. 

Also See Why Christians Are Deceived
The reasons that so many modern day Christians are deceived are numerous. They believe they should be "united", and are commanded to "love". They do not want to be labeled "heresy hunters", accused of quenching the spirit, or found guilty of 'touching' the Lord's anointed etc. etc. However, I believe these, and all other reasons deception is so rampant in the church, can be attributed to just two underlying facts... Too many Christians are Biblically illiterate, their theology confined to catch phrases, and daily devotionals of familiar passages of Scripture, preferably well sprinkled with inspirational stories and jokes. This shallow understanding of their faith causes them to be more conditioned by the culture than by the Bible. Besides which, Christians seem to be very addicted to ‘spiritual highs’.

How NOT To Decide What To Believe
In place of Biblical discernment, the criteria the modern day Christian uses to test truth includes: (adapted from a list made by Sandy Simpson of Discernment Ministries). None of these should provide the basis for testing whether or not the message is the truth.

    1) The use of orthodox language, ability to quote Scripture, or Biblical sounding statements of belief
    2) The atmosphere of a meeting/the feeling, emotions, and experiences of the hearer
    3) Manifestations/signs and wonders, including claimed miracles.
    4) Subjective testimonies, including hearsay and rumors/ tall stories
    5) Numbers of people who claim to be saved
    6) The size of the church/movement, and number of followers it has / how fast it is growing
    7) How much charisma and authority the speaker demonstrates
    8) How successful the person appears to be (judged by how wealthy the person is, the number of books he/she, has written, and where he/she, is invited to speak)

1.) The Use of Orthodox Language, Ability to Quote Scripture, or Biblical Sounding Statements of Belief

Never assume that a person, or a group, is orthodox simply because he/she/they uses orthodox language, can quote Scriptures at the drop of a hat, and/or sound very "Biblical".

Most false teachers can rattle off Bible verse at the drop of a hat. However, these verses are carefully picked to provide so called "proof texts" without any concern for the context of the verse.

One of the most dangerous mistakes any Christian can make is to take Bible verses out of context. Since no Biblical author simply strung together a number of lofty sounding phrases disconnected from one another, and each verse is an integral part of a particular point the author was trying to make, no one should read, much less base their beliefs on, stand alone verses. The reader can only accurately understand God's Word the way it is written... in its context. Tragically. most Christians are content with allowing a verse to be wrested from it's context, and used to convey whatever meaning the speaker/author wishes it to convey which, all too often, is nothing but a corruption of the truth. This perversion of Scriptures is done (whether intentionally or unintentionally) in order to persuade men that whatsoever the false teacher says is based on Biblical truth. (See Context is CRUCIAL)

Never assume a person, or a group, is orthodox based on their written doctrinal statement (statement of belief).

Doctrinal statements are often kept as orthodox-sounding as possible - often seeming to have been penned by the archangel Michael himself. However, it is very often the case that what the doctrinal statement doesn't say is more significant than what it does. For example confessing that the Bible is the infallible and inerrant Word of God is fine and good, but does not necessarily tell us what other books the person or group may also consider inspired and possibly even on par with the Scriptures.

The deeper convictions of a group can often be assessed by reading some of their other literature, or by referring to a reliable encyclopedia that often reveal very relevant information, including facts that they themselves do not freely volunteer.

2.) The Atmosphere Of A Meeting/The Feeling, Emotions, And Experiences Of The Hearer:
Feeling, Emotions, And Experiences: Any successful marketing person will tell you that many buying decisions are made according to what people 'feel' about the product, rather than whether they need that product. In other words - 'emotion sells'. Gary Genard, Ph.D., founder and president of Public Speaking International, describes why it is that (Emphasis Added)

"human beings make critical decisions at a gut level, then justify those decisions with logic. "Gut level" equals emotions. That means that unless we're speaking to audiences in emotional as well as intellectual terms, our persuasiveness will have a great gaping hole in the middle."

He goes on to say (Emphasis Added)

To put all of this most simply: audiences use their emotions to receive what we say, to judge whether it's true, and critically, to decide about how to respond to it.  [02 ]

In other words, the Mormons are not the only ones who rely on feelings (the "burning in the breast" syndrome), rather than objective, verifiable, evidence to determine what is true. But over the recent two or three decades, increasing numbers of people in churches are being taught to rely on their feelings.

Atmosphere: Beware of judging the content of what is said at a evangelical meeting by the atmosphere, simply because atmosphere is easily manipulated. When the general pervasive feeling or mood, is highly charged, such as happens at Amway meetings, football stadiums, political rallies etc. most people can be persuaded to go along with what is being proposed, regardless of the fact that they might not have done so had they been in completely calm, rational, low key surroundings.

God does not need, nor want, an stadium full of screaming fans. He wants simple obedience to His Word. He wants people who are not carried away by the emotion of the moment, but those who have quietly purposed in their hearts that they will follow Him, whatever the cost. It is those people through whom the real miracles are wrought.

Among others, various tele-evangelists and pastors of mega churches are masters at 'setting the stage'. They prance around, their voices and tone rising and falling as required. They pound their fists on the pulpit and lift the Bible high into the air. They tell highly emotional stories that the audience can relate to, thus forming a connection between them and their listeners. The final touch of this wear-down is the quoting of a few out of context Biblical verses, to 'prove' their point. By the end of it all their listeners are pretty much convinced that they have heard an "anointed" man speak God's words. This, of course, without checking to see what the Bible has to say about it.

3.) Manifestations/Signs and Wonders, Including Claimed Miracles.
I do not for a moment doubt that manifestations and 'signs and wonders' can be from God. However, the problem here is that, not only are 'signs and wonders' a dime a dozen, but they can and often do stem from a wide variety of sources including the demonic, which is why every single experience has to be checked by the Scriptures. Unfortunately the allure of receiving some form of deeper spiritual experience has deceived countless millions into accepting the counterfeit.

An outstanding example of this is the 'slain in the spirit' phenomenon. The Sanskrit word Shaktipat, is derived from two separate words.. Shakti (above) and Paat (to descend, fall, tumble, to cause to fall down, to cast down etc.). It refers to the ancient practice wherein a Hindu "holy man", guru, or spiritual teacher confers a form of spiritual 'power' or awakening on a disciple/student, which is called raising Kundalini. Although not exclusively, this is often accomplished by a touch to the ajna chakra, or the disciple's third eye... said to be located in the middle of the forehead. To add to which, those who relieve Shaktipat, report many identical feelings and sensations described by Christians, such as energy rushes, episodes of extreme hyper activity (or, conversely, overwhelming fatigue), involuntary bodily movements, emotional outbursts, spontaneous vocalizations, altered states of consciousness, intervals of tremendous joy, love, peace and compassion,  and a supposed deeper understanding of spiritual truths.

In short, when the requirements for receiving are the same, the methods of transmissions are the same, and the physical manifestations are the same, how can it be of God?

Additionally, much of the senseless babble that passes for the New Testament gift of tongues, plus the jerking, shaking, and uncontrollable laughter, accepted by so many Christians as Biblical, do not come from the Scriptures, and have absolutely NOTHING in common with any experiences described in the Bible.

(See Index to Literal Doctrines of Demons, which includes Word of Faith, Slain in The Spirit, Tongues, Labyrinths, Contemplative Prayer, and Santa Claus. Yes! You read right...Santa Claus. And no, you probably do not know where he originated. Tracing the origins of this so called harmless tradition can be a real eye opener. It certainly wasn't an innocuous Catholic Bishop)

The final arbitrator in any dispute over spiritual matters is not what took place in this ministry or that, but what the word of God says. Nothing more, nothing less.

Is Physical Healing Included in The Atonement?
Every Tom, Dick, and Harry, claims to have healed numerous people, yet rarely are these claims backed up by any objective evidence, such as an examination by a doctor and/or medical tests.

Besides which people today seem to love to claim that they that they saw or experienced a miracle. One has to wonder if people so much want to feel like God has touched them, are simply carried along on by the emotion of the moment, or simply do not want to feel out of place when others around them are claiming to have felt or seen something. Any healing that originates with God will stick' through the next day, the next week, and the next year, not just manifest itself for a few minutes during the meeting, or for a while after, only to fade as soon as emotions subside

 A meeting with a highly charged emotional atmosphere, accompanied by very strong desires and expectations on the part of the patient, and, in many cases, mass hypnotism, can lead to some amazing, albeit temporary, appearances of healing. Remember when the adrenaline is flowing, normal human being have been known to perform super human tasks, like lifting the front end of a car to free someone who has been trapped under it.

 Healing is apparently not the sole prerogative of God, since people have been healed, or at least claimed healing, by a variety of Shamans, gurus, and other non-Christians. There are testimonies to people being healed by Reiki, with healing energy being sent from one person to another over considerable distances. I have personally heard testimonies as to the effectiveness Pranic healing, which is supposed to cure by the practitioner working on a person's "energy body" or aura. Tibetan lamas are often called upon to heal the sick, which they do with herbal medicine, backed by prayers and mantras to clear all negative karma.

 A third possibility is something known as mass hysteria. for example, mass psychogenic illness, begins with one individual becomes ill or hysterical during a period of stress, but is quickly followed by others who begin to manifest similar symptoms, typically nausea, muscle weakness, fits or headache, but which has no physical cause. If mass hysteria can cause symptoms of illness, I would have little doubt that given the right environment, something similar can, and does, also occur in regard to healing.

4.) Subjective Testimonies, Including Hearsay And Rumors
Obviously, personal testimony can inspire and encourage believers, provided it is truthful and unembellished. However, it is not wise to accept every story that comes down the pike as unassailable truth. People, both in the church and out of it, can be, and often are, very gullible, and tend to believe testimonials and dramatic stories on the slightest of evidence, or even none at all. So much so, that Jan Harold Brunvand, professor emeritus of the University of Utah, and an American folklorist, has written a number of books on urban legend - The most recent one aptly named, "The Truth Never Stands in the Way of a Good Story".

People pass along stories which, like the popular parlour game, gains a little here and loses a little there, until the most popular version bares little resemblance to the original tale, even if the original were true. Unless you know the teller personally, it is close to impossible to verify the facts, so, unless you can, do not pass the stories along as true.

Our belief system should not be shaped by anything other than the most reliable, and most objective guide we have... the Bible.

5.) Numbers Of People Who Claim To Be Saved
However, while large numbers of people may claim to be saved, we have no way of knowing who is genuinely saved and who is not. A walk down an aisle, or profession of faith may or not be evidence that the person is a genuine convert, but can be attributed to the emotion of the moment. A person can appear to make the right decision, but may be only moved by a particularly inspiring sermon, or emotional appeal to "accept Christ".

Genuine faith has to stand the test of time and the many trials that try to batter it down. 

6.) The Size Of The Church/Movement, And How Fast It Is Growing
According to a May 1, 2012 piece by Andrew Stern, on Reuters.com, over a period of ten years (2000 to 2010)... (Emphasis Added)

"The number of Mormons, whose Utah-based church's formal name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, grew by 45 percent to 6.1 million in 2010, according to the census, which asked 236 religions to count their own adherents. Family members of adherents were generally included in the numbers. [03]

Although some questions have been raised as to the counting methods used by the Mormons, and the fact that they themselves have recently amended who all they included in their count, there still remains little doubt that their numbers are increasing at a very fast pace. As said in a May 2010 Christian Post article.

The growth of the Mormon church, is a tragic indication of people's disinclination to objectively test everything by the Scriptures, or even to apply a little common sense and logic to their reasoning. These numbers simply indicate that many, many, people are being led astray.

7.) How Much Charisma And Authority The Speaker Demonstrates
The word "charisma" can mean personal magnetism or charm, a rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm. Perhaps the most persuasive of all leaders are those who founded and led, cults.

For example Marshall Applewhite, leader of the Heaven's Gate group, convinced 39 other people to commit suicide with him. His explanation was that in order to reach the next level everything "human" had to be forsaken, including the human body. Jim Jones, founder and leader of the Peoples Temple, is best known for the November 18, 1978 mass suicide of 909 Temple members in Jonestown, Guyana along with the killings of five other people at a nearby airstrip. Over 200 children were murdered at Jonestown, almost all of whom were made to ingest cyanide by the elite Temple members.

Many, many, men and women around the world are capable of speaking with much authority, even if they are absolutely wrong.

8.) How Successful The Person Appears To Be
(Judged By How Wealthy The Person Is, The Number Of Books He/She, Has Written, And The Number Of Places He/She, Is Invited To Speak At)
In this day and age, anyone can be successful, given the right tools, the right connections, and the right circumstances. A modicum of good luck doesn't hurt either. However if one were to take the time to analyze some of the events in the Bible, especially those in the New Testament, it should become quickly apparent that success in the Bible was never measured by our standards.

In fact, according to modern standards, Jesus Himself was a total failures .

Jesus was born in a stable, and throughout His life had little in material possessions. He never owned had any money, so much so that when He had to pay taxes, He told Peter to use a coin found in the mouth of a fish. Jesus was rejected by most people, and despised by the religious leaders of the time. In fact, the Gospel of Luke tells us what happened when Jesus come to Nazareth and taught in the synagogue. Did He win friends and influence people? Not exactly! Luke tells us that His audience was "filled with wrath, And rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong" (Luke 4:25-29). Finally, Jesus was falsely accused of things he did not do, found guilty and cursed, mocked, spit on, and beaten. He died naked, surrounded by gawking bystanders, on a cross which was a most shameful death, according to Jewish belief. When He died, the soldiers cast lots for His garment, which was put on Him by the Romans. By our standards, Jesus was a complete failure, except for the fact that through His life and death, all the world had been given the opportunity to be forgiven their sins and have eternal life. Also See Seeker Friendly Failures in The Bible

Besides which, none of the figures in the Bible did anything but 'tell it like it is'. They did not go out of their way to soothe people's feelings, or cater to 'felt needs'. Note how particularly unfriendly John the Baptist was (which is one example among many). Scripture records him as taking one look at the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism and calling them "offspring of vipers" (Matthew 3: 7, 8).

Results, in themselves, are not a proof that God is pleased. You can win all the accolades and awards the world has to offer, yet fall terribly short in God's eyes. If you think someone is climbing the ladder of success, make sure it is not leaning against the wrong wall.

The rich tele-evangelists appear to be very successful but most of them live high on the hog on the backs of many who have very little, but are hopelessly deceived that by sending money to already wealthy preachers, they might reap some rewards of sowing a seed and, thus, better their own lot. See Lifestyles of the Tele-evangelists

How To Decide What To Believe
Believers Are Instructed To Be Discerning But How Do We Exercise Discernment?
While there certainly is a 'gift of discernment', it seems quite certain that few people in this day and age are blessed with it. Therefore, the only safe course is for Christians to strictly adhere to the ultimate tool given to enable us to distinguish between those teachings that are true, and those teachings which are not.

But, in order to use this tool we have to have to be familiar with it.

No one can know how exactly to operate a computer or any other piece of equipment unless they take the time to study the instruction manual very carefully. If we don't read and follow the written instructions the manufacturer cannot be blamed if the equipment malfunctions or even blows up in our face. Similarly, no one would dream of making a trip across the North Pole, or the Amazon without a detailed map, yet we cheerfully embark on a journey to eternity without carefully studying the map that teaches us to avoid all wrong and often treacherous roads.

We seem to imagine we can fly by the seat of our pants.

If we do not take the time to study the 'instruction manual' and guide book given us by God, He cannot be blamed if, at the end of it all, we find ourselves at the opposite end of the planet from from our intended destination - without being exactly sure how we got there, except that somewhere along the line we took a wrong turn... or two... or three.

No one can possibly know what is theologically wrong, unless they know what is theologically right.

Quite simply, you have to know what the Bible says. There is no other way. Paul commended the Bereans for checking everything they were being told against God's own handbook. Also See How to Keep from Getting Spiritually Weird

Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. Therefore many of them believed, along with a number of prominent Greek women and men. (Acts 17:11-12 NASB)

    But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; (1 Thessalonians 5:21 NASB. Emphasis Added)

Especially in this day of rampant deception, Christians have to test everything they hear, read, and are told, by the Scriptures. However...

Context, Context and More Context:
However this does not mean relying on isolated 'proof texts which is exactly what all too many Christians have been programmed to do.

As long as the preacher/teacher/author sounds Biblical, and can pull out a few Scriptural verses that appear to substantiate what he, or she, is saying, we walk away with a warm glow, satisfied that we have heard what God Himself has to say on the matter. Sadly this is anything but true.

False doctrine is often hidden behind charisma, and engaging personalities. And yes, it is true that most of these false teachers will glibly rattle off Scriptures that supposedly support their teachings and give them the appearance of orthodoxy. However, the man in the pew rarely seems to realize that these quoted Biblical verses are usually taken way out of context and, in fact, do not say what is claimed. In fact, it is not at all rare to find that the verse in question, if read in context, will say exactly the opposite. But we, like the Israelites of old, clamor for a king to rule over us (1 Samuel 8:19), and, perhaps because of our own laziness, rely on a go-between to tell us what God has said. This has made it very easy for heresies to creep in.

It is absolutely crucial to remember that no Biblical author simply strung together a number of lofty sounding phrases disconnected from one another. Since each verse is an integral part of a particular point the author was trying to make, no one should read, much less base their beliefs on, stand alone verses. The reader can only be accurately informed by God's Word the way it is written... in its context. (This is a topic in itself, and needs to be read in it's entirety. (See Context is CRUCIAL )

What Does The Bible Command Us To Do When we Discover False Teachings?

First of all, Christians need to realize that those who preach a false gospel are condemned by the Lord..

But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed! (Galatians 1:8-9 NASB)

Paul told Titus that overseers of the church must refute those who contradict sound doctrine, and silence "empty talkers and deceivers".

holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict. For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain. (Titus 1:9-11 NASB)

The Bible's instructions on how to deal with those who teach and practice false doctrine in the church are a very explicit two step process.

    1. The heresy has to be actively confronted

    2. if it is not repented of, the person concerned has to be shunned.

Leaving, or Separating oneself from apostasy and heresy is not optional, but commanded.

    Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them. (Romans 16:17 NASB)

    "Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate," says the Lord. "and do not touch what is unclean; And I will welcome you. (2 Corinthians 6:17 NASB)

    Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. (Ephesians 5:11-12 NASB)

    Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep away from every brother who leads an unruly life and not according to the tradition which you received from us. (2 Thessalonians 3:6 NASB)

    Reject a factious man after a first and second warning, (Titus 3:10 NASB).

Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting; for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds. (2 John 1:9-11 NASB)

Yet, in the spirit of our overly tolerant, anything goes society, we tend to look on confrontation as something to be avoided at all cost.

End Notes
[01] Craig Hawkins. Witchcraft: Exploring the World of Wicca. Publisher: Baker Pub Group (January 1, 1997) Pg. 140.

[02] Gary Genard. Speak For Success!

[03] Andrew Stern. Numbers of Muslims, Mormons rising sharply: report.


Theology and Doctrine Part II



The Christian and Knowledge