
Index To Section 12C...
Secular and ‘Christian’ Rock



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Said it All

"Now Hell has a Soundtrack"

Secular Rock

I have to agree with those that say that evil is not exclusive to Rock, that there are other forms of music that can be morally bereft. Country and Western concerts can be little more than drunken parties and the lyrics often leave much to be desired [For example.. Kenny Chesney’s Anything But Mine and Toby Keith’s Stays in Mexico]. As someone recently told me.. “it is a sort of  “soft sell approach” much of which “leads down the same path albeit a bit more stealthily”.

Is ALL Rock bad? I don’t know. What I do know is that no other form of music so openly and flagrantly promotes evil. Only Rock lampoons of every aspect of Christ’s life and ministry, (Lyrics openly denounce Christianity presenting the devil as the answer) has clear links with the occult and Satanic symbols and promotes violence, sex, suicide, rebellion and drugs. Additionally Rock music can and does have an appalling effects on the human.

Over The Edge:A Brief History of Rock and Roll
There is abundant evidence that rock 'n' roll's life blood has in some part been drawn from voodoo, a musical form whose sole purpose is to summon forth evil spirits. .

In Their Own Words
What the Rock Stars Say


Hells Bells

Part I.. The Power of Music
  "Music is the language of languages. It can be said that of all the arts, there is none that more powerfully moves and changes the consciousness." (Musicologist David Tame)

Part II.. Rock Music Vs. Christ and Christianity
Jesus has become the focus of more ridicule in rock music than any other personality. Virtually every facet of His life and ministry is mocked and criticized.

Part III..Rock Music and Suicide, Drugs and Sex
It is in the incredible arena of bizarre murders, ritualistic violence, and self-mutilation that the reality of satanic influence can be most clearly discerned.

Part IV.. Rock and The Occult
Beginning with the most well-known, many groups within the heavy metal genre have popularized blatant, no-holds-barred satanism and witchcraft in their music, album covers, and stage shows. An open worship of Satan and hell that comes complete with the liturgies, rituals and symbols like the pentagram, 666, And "Il Cornuto". Rock also has close ties to known satanists like Aleister Crowley.

Part V.. The Choice
Satan’s blinding deception has been focused on obscuring one of life's most elementary truths that ultimately there are two kingdoms and two types of people.  If the fans mean well or are just trying to have a good time, they can't be considered followers of Satan, can they? Contrary to the deceptive stereotype, no black masses or wild sex rituals are necessary to be a follower of Satan.


Carlos Santana: Saint or Satanic
At the 42nd Annual Grammy Award telecast (February 23, 2000), Carlos Santana and Supernatural won an unprecedented nine Grammys, receiving more acclaim and airplay in that year than in all of the previous years of his career as a rock star combined. Additionally Deborah and Carlos Santana founded a nonprofit organization called "The Milagro Foundation" that provides financial aid for educational, medical and other needs of children worldwide. There is, unfortunately, another side to the story. A much darker side.

Album Covers/ Lyrics

Also See Bob Marley and Rastafarianism


003white  See The Message of The Bible
All too many people picking out a random phrase or two, think 'love' was Jesus' core message. Unfortunately, they are terribly wrong... In fact, Jesus never stopped talking about the "kingdom of God", which phrase is used over 50 times in the four Gospels alone. He even said that the proclamation of the Kingdom was the reason He was sent to earth (Luke 4:43). But what and where is this kingdom?  Here is what is really paradoxical ... the Bible's description of this kingdom of God (also called heaven) is no pie in the sky ethereal place 'somewhere out there' but in every respect is the world most men and women would choose to live in. a place of peace and safety, where there is no crime, hunger and disease, war and above all... no death. Far from being outdated, out of touch, and largely irrelevant to modern society, Christianity promises exactly the utopian world most men and women can only dream of.

Christian Rock

In view of the fact that such phrases as "contemporary Christian music" are in vogue, one has to observe that there is no special Christian musical vocabulary. There is no distinctive sound that makes a piece of music Christian. The only part of a composition that can make it Christian is the lyrics.  Perhaps the phrase "contemporary Christian lyrics" would be more appropriate. [Music and the Christian. Jerry Solomon]

 ... it is interesting to note that the cover of the vast majority of ‘Christian’ albums, CDs and tapes are adorned by the faces of the artists themselves.  "Why do we idolize Christian singers and speakers? We go from glorifying musicians in the world, to glorifying Christian musicians. It's all idolatry! . . .(Keith Green, from the Tract, "So You Wanna Be A Rock Star")

"For those whose eyes have not seen and whose ears have not heard, Contemporary Christian Music, or CCM as the insiders call it, is essentially conventional rock or pop music with the lyrics changed to protect the innocent" (James Chute, The Milwaukee Journal).

Music and Morality:
The basic proposition — that different kinds of music produce different effects on the soul — is not entirely radical. Would anyone assert that ” (You Ain’t Nothin’ but a) Hound Dog” has the Same “soul” as Gregorian chant? The one inspires to prayer and contemplation, the other to shouting and stamping. Rock... essentially, is performance music.

Did Jesus Hang Out With Sinners?

The Inclusiveness of Jesus
It seems to be a common belief that Jesus ‘hung out’ with sinners and this is often used as an excuse for doing the same thing.. for a friendship with the world. Sadly the subject is rarely studied or even thought through.. It’s true that the inclusiveness of Jesus was extraordinary. Unlike his religious contemporaries, Jesus included among his followers those who were generally excluded from religious life, if not polite society, people such as tax-collectors, “sinners,” lepers, and women. Yet, the inclusiveness of Jesus was not of the “come as you are” sort. Jesus offered new, transformed life in the kingdom of God, not acceptance of all people as they were in their broken, sinful state.

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