
Section 10A .. The Contemporary Church

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Not only is the sheer arrogance of this man centered ideology staggering,  but it is entirely possible that supporters will bring about the events prophesied to take place at the opening of the Fourth Seal when as Jesus said, everyone who kills you thinks that he is offering service to God (John 16:2)- the final straw that brings down God’s judgment.

Carol Brooks

Dominionism is an umbrella term for a number of related groups (Kingdom Now, Manifest Sons of God/ Joel's Army, the Seven Mountain Mandate / Reconstructionism, Elijah Company, Overcomers, etc.) that the New Apostolic Reformation and other organizations are based on. These groups are usually made up of conservative, often politically active supporters from a wide range of Christian denominations. Not only are they are the most extreme faction of the Religious Right, but the sheer arrogance of this man centered ideology is staggering.

Part I - Understanding Dominionism HERE
Although the teachings of these various movements differ in some areas they are for the most part remarkably similar and usually in full agreement on the central tenet - the Church has dominion over this earth and every enemy must be subdued. To this end they hold that before Christ can return as King, an end-time army of Christians led by Apostles and Prophets will cleanse the earth of evil and impose a Christian theocratic government. They have even gone as far as to reinterpret the Great Commission to line up with their beliefs. This movement controlled by fanatical and very deluded so called "Christian" leaders is unfortunately having great impact on the Biblically ignorant man in the pew who has apparently neither compared their teachings with what the Bible says nor looked into the very dark roots of the movement..

Part II - History and Spread HERE
Bill Hamon, John Wimber, C Peter Wagner, and The Occult Roots of Dominionism
Although some Christians caught up in the Dominionist movement may never have even heard of the "Latter Rain" movement (See Footnote) these beliefs can be traced back to the 1947-48 Latter Rain teachings and events in Saskatchewan Canada that were largely based on the ministry of William Branham. Branham was an American Christian faith healer who claimed to be a prophet with the anointing of Elijah come to herald Christ's second coming. Even today, many believe William Branham to be the greatest prophet of this final age - this in spite of his bizarre doctrines, his false prophecy, the many lies he told, his very undesirable relationships, and MOST IMPORTANTLY the fact that he was not only visited many times but was controlled by an unearthly spirit that most certainly did not come from God.

Although Latter Rain influence gradually waned, it never really died but went underground to await the day when sound doctrine would be of little concern to so many. Then largely due to three men - Bill Hamon, John Wimber, and C. Peter Wagner - the deception once again raised it's ugly head branching out in all directions as it went.

Part III - Wrong On ALL Counts

 A  Detailed Comparison of Dominionist Beliefs With the Scriptures.

Part III A - Dominionism Vs. The Bible - Genesis 1:28 and Matthew 28:19. HERE
Dominionism is founded on the belief that God gave Adam dominion over the earth in Genesis 1:28. That instruction has been taken to mean Christians were commanded to 'rule' the earth - an interpretation that has more holes in it than Swiss Cheese. Dominionists also claim that the Great Commission is simply another phrase for the Dominion mandate - another fallacious belief based on a biased and self serving interpretation of Matthew 28:19.

Part III B - The Many Other More Dominionist Teachings That Contradict Scripture. HERE
Scripture neither says nor implies in any way that it is man's job to take charge, revamp society, and make it ready for Christ to return to. Not only is the Manifest Sons of God teaching based on an extremely shallow understanding of Romans 8:19, the Bible very clearly tells us  that He already has dominion over the earth, what conditions exist just prior to Christ's return, and that God himself will destroy all earthly kingdoms (no overcomers involved) .

Part IV - Christians and Politics 
Part IV A - Is A Theocracy Biblical?
Dominionists share a post-millennial vision in which Christians will cleanse the earth of evil and establish God's kingdom on earth by imposing a theocracy in which the state's legal system would be based on religious law (Eg. Saudi Arabia is a theocracy). The question we need to ask ourselves is whether Scripture provides a single scrap of evidence for a theocracy in the here and now. The short answer is "No! Absolutely not!" - for which there are several reasons straight from the pages of Scripture that are both compelling and irrefutable. HERE

Part IV B - Should Christians Be Involved In Politics? HERE
Being Christ's ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20) means that we are representatives of the Savior and as such are requirednot only to obey His commandments but to follow His example to the best of our ability. Although Jesus never embroiled Himself in politics not did He EVER use political methods to try and get the government to adhere to His commandments, we throw ourselves headlong into politics endeavoring to do just that. Not only does the Bible indicate that we should not interfere in the place we temporarily live in, but tells us how we should live while we are sojourning here.

Part VI - Joel's Army  HERE
Where This Diabolical Doctrine is Likely To Take Us
It is entirely possible that the Joel's Army delusion will bring about the events prophesied to take place at the opening of the Fourth Seal when, as Jesus said, everyone who kills you thinks that he is offering service to God (John 16:2). (Yes, Matthew 24 and the Seven Seals of Revelation are parallel prophecies) The Fifth Seal is John's vision of the souls of people under the altar whom he said had been slain for the word of God, which means they were Christians who had been martyred on an unprecedented scale. See The Seven Seals


Also See
The New Apostolic Reformation
Apostles Or Deluded Impostors
Although not a single living soul in the modern world has the qualifications, ability or credentials of the first century Apostles, an astonishing number of men today have not only appropriated the title, but claim they get their authority directly from God. Many of them hold that they are equal or even superior to the New Testament Apostles. They are part of a movement centered around Dominionism - the belief that an elite group of believers will be revealed in the end times to prepare the world for the millennial reign of Christ. In fact, Christ can't return to earth until they do. What is truly reprehensible is that because these faux apostles are fully aware that no one today makes the grade they have attempted to alter the criteria. The tragedy is they have succeeded in fooling vast numbers of people who apparently ignore the Biblical warnings about "false apostles". It will not go well for either the false apostles/prophets nor those that have heeded them. The end of both groups will be according to their deeds (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

Footnote - The Latter Rain
The name "Latter Rain" comes from Joel 2:23

    So rejoice, O sons of Zion, And be glad in the LORD your God; For He has given you the early rain for your vindication. And He has poured down for you the rain, The early and latter rain as before.

Although the term "Latter Rain" is rarely used it would be a huge mistake to discount its influence because over the years these teachings have gradually morphed into dominionism now a global phenomena.

Adherents interpreted this verse as two separate outpourings of the Holy Spirit. The first on Pentecost was the "early rain" that established the Church. The "Latter Rain" is believed to be the current "move of the Spirit" that will see the church fulfill her supposed mandate of establishing Dominion over the earth under the leadership of modern day Apostles and Prophets. See The New Apostolic Reformation. This will usher in God's Kingdom and allow Christ to return.

The question then is whether this interpretation of Joel 2:23 is accurate thus to be taken seriously?  Let's look a little closer at these rains and their importance.

Literal or 'Spiritual' Rain?
As all farmers know crops not only need rain but it also has to fall at the right time and in the right amount.

In ancient Israel God's rains were perfectly timed.

After after a hot and dry summer the former lighter rains that began in October readied the ground for the first round of ploughing and planting. The latter rains in March and April were (and still are) much heavier rains that can penetrate the already softened ground and result in the final ripening of the barley and wheat. Because dryland is usually hard packed and dense a hard rain will run off rather than soak in which will do very little for the crops and may very well result in flooding.

Among many other verses Deuteronomy 11:13-15, Jeremiah 5:24, Zechariah 10:1, James 5:7 all speak of the early and latter rains as literal rain that fell in the right amount and at the right time. It was a sign of the Father's blessings.

Joel 2:23 is NO different. Verses 1-11 tell us us of the horrendous conditions that will take place on the 'Day of the Lord' which describes a long foretold devastating period of time when the Father will pour out His wrath (retributive justice) on the earth, punishing transgressors and bringing an end to the injustice and suffering in this world. The plagues includes an army described as a plague of locusts that cause complete devastation.

(See The Wrath of God   and   The End Of The Age Part I... The Day Of The Lord

And Joel's Army (Chapter 5 of this article)

Verse 12 begins with an appeal for repentance and as verse 14 says "Who knows whether He will not turn and relent". Beginning in verse 18 the chapter goes on to to list the blessings that will come about if the people repent.

    Do not fear, O land, rejoice and be glad, For the Lord has done great things. Do not fear, beasts of the field, For the pastures of the wilderness have turned green, For the tree has borne its fruit, The fig tree and the vine have yielded in full. So rejoice, O sons of Zion And be glad in the LORD your God; For He has given you the early rain for your vindication. And He has poured down for you the rain, The early and latter rain as before. The threshing floors will be full of grain, And the vats will overflow with the new wine and oil. "Then I will make up to you for the years That the swarming locust has eaten, The creeping locust, the stripping locust and the gnawing locust, My great army which I sent among you. "You will have plenty to eat and be satisfied And praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; Then My people will never be put to shame. (Joel 2:21-26 NASB)

Reading verse 23 in the CONTEXT of the entire chapter makes it clear that the prophet was referring to literal rain - symbolic of God's blessing in the millennial kingdom. {PLACE IN TEXT}

 Index To Doctrines of Demons
