
Section 8B ... Controversial Issues/
Index To Women In The Church

003white Index To Section 8B... Controversial Issues


Women in The Church

If you take the Biblical text at face value, it does not always accord with what the traditional views on women are

God and Women
The Role of Women in the Bible, The historical data in the narratives of pre-monarchical Israel reveal a rather important level of influence of women on the historical unfolding of Israel, as well as indications of special care from the heart of God for His daughters.

Andronicus and Junia
Andronicus and Junia were regarded as outstanding apostles.  Naturally this means that they are counted among the apostles in the general sense that is true of Barnabas, James, the brother of Christ, Silas, and others. What makes this fact "remarkable" is that the second named person is most likely a woman

Should Women Teach in Church?
 The problem with the traditional view is that it simply does not accord with the text itself, if we are to take the text strictly at face value.

The Role Of Women In The Church
Women prophesied in the church assembly, and therefore probably also taught there. I Cor.11:5 mentions women praying and prophesying in public assembly. Since prophecy was viewed as one of the great gifts, it is difficult to see why a woman would be allowed to prophecy, but not to teach. This fact surely is an embarrassment to those who think women were more easily deceived. Deception proneness would be a devastating drawback for a prophet, no matter how that gift is understood. Finally, if women were to be "silent" in the assembly, how were they able to pray or prophecy?

Were Women Silent at Pentecost?
The events portrayed in Acts 1:14-2:18 conclusively show that the "women must be silent in the assembly" conviction is highly suspect. What happened on the Day of Pentecost contradicts this position. Why?

Women in Ministry
Since it is common knowledge that women make up more than one-half of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is important to understand their God-ordained role within the body.

The Issue Of Head Coverings
When Paul wrote that a woman ought to pray with her head covered, was he referring to long hair or a garment?

Salvation Through Childbirth?
To try and take such a passage as we have before us in this study and to then employ it as a tool for suppressing women, even suggesting they can only be saved by presenting us men with babies, is both abominable and unconscionable! Thus, I completely reject such an interpretation of this passage, even though "the most common interpretation among conservative evangelical interpreters today is that women will eventually be spiritually saved by adhering to their God-ordained role centering around the home"


Also See

How Should Christian Women Dress?
Is it decent and seemly and modest for a woman who has committed her life to Jesus Christ to dress herself the way that so many women do today?

Modesty Matters
We, as Christian women, should look different from the world. What does it tell us in Romans 12, verse 1, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God…and do not be conformed to this world” [Romans 12:1-2]. We are not to dress like the women of the world, but we are to be “transformed.” The women of the world don’t know any better. When I go to the mall I don’t expect to see modesty, but when I come to church I do. But I am sad to say that too many times, when you see a group of girls standing around, there is very little difference in dress between those who profess to know Christ and those who don’t.

The 10 Lies of Feminism
At its inception, the feminist movement, accompanied by the sexual revolution, made a series of enticing, exciting promises to women. These promises sounded good, so good that many women deserted their men and their children or rejected the entire notion of marriage and family, in pursuit of "themselves" and a career. These pursuits, which emphasized self-sufficiency and individualism, were supposed to enhance a woman's quality of life and improve her options, as well as her relations with men. Now, a decade or so later, women have had to face the fact that, in many ways, feminism and liberation made promises that could not be delivered.

A Woman of Strength, Who Can Find?
As Christian women living in a society that offers so many distorted or inadequate models for women, we should be concerned to take on a mature ideal of womanhood. We need an ideal that applies in all its dimensions to the circumstances we now live in, yet remains fully expressive of God's purpose for women.


Controversial Issues
