Understanding Sin, Repentance and Salvation
Sin Sin . If pressed it is likely that the majority of people in the western world would agree that they are 'not perfect’ but at the same time would be unlikely to identify themselves as 'sinners’. All too many people subscribe to the almost universal 'Santa Claus' mentality of rewards for those who's good deeds outweigh the bad and punishment for those for whom the opposite is true. This is a gargantuan mistake because the verdict is already in. Because of your sins you have been condemned to death far more surely than any person sitting on death row in a federal penitentiary. In light of which it would serve you well to find out how God defines sin rather than trusting in your own ideas.
If you do not accurately understand how the Bible defines sin, then you have probably missed the severe warning of Hebrews 10:26-3 and have absolutely no idea what it is that separates you from God, why He will not hear you and why you will not have eternal life in God's promised kingdom.
Repentance Repentance ...The Missing Message What you believe about Biblical repentance is quite literally a matter of life or death. Do not be fooled by the watered down Gospel message of “just “believe and be saved” heard in so many churches today. Over and overo the Scriptures record God as warning that He will only have mercy on those whose repentance is real but will destroy those who do not repent and turn from their sin. Scripture presents Repentance and Faith not as the same thing but literally as two sides of the same coin. Quite simply, without truly repentance your ‘faith’ is neither genuine nor sufficient for salvation
Salvation (Four Chapters) Index To Salvation If you have ever heard Christians mention “salvation” but had no idea what they meant - let me put it in the simplest possible terms - Biblical salvation means being saved from death, i.e. being given eternal life in God’s coming Kingdom (a utopia we can only dream about). However, unless grasped with both hands it remains no more than an offer.
When all is said and done, virtually all humans have two things in common. 1) Almost everyone is searching for a 'better life 2) No one wants to die. Our spirit rebels at the thought that we are eventually going to become worm food regardless of what we may have accomplished in our seventy odd years here on earth. However, if your defenses are well honed and you claim to be satisfied with the short life given to you then don't bother with this article written for those who do not wish to arrive at death's door without being certain of where it leads. The fact is Christianity alone offers you something you cannot get anywhere else - life without end in God's kingdom. In fact, Jesus said the reason He was sent to earth was to announce this Kingdom which, by the way, is no pie in the sky ethereal place 'somewhere out there' but matches in every respect the world most men and women would choose to live in. The problem is that there is a very large stumbling block that can keep you (and everyone else) out of God's kingdom.
Shallow, Abbreviated, and Highly Inaccurate Salvation Messages The most important question that anyone can ask is what must I do to be saved?... the answer to which is perhaps the central point of the whole New Testament. Yet there are no end of well meaning Christians who, in answer to that life and death question, will either inform you that You have to ask Jesus into your heart. Pray the Sinner’s Prayer, or "accept Jesus as your Personal Savior". The burning question is whether any of these phrases accurately communicates the Gospel message.
Is The Sinner’s Prayer Effective? The goal should never be getting someone to pray a prayer but rather to follow Jesus. Spiritual miscarriages instead of spiritual births often occur when we emphasize deciding for Christ and neglect to speak of the crucial importance of living for Him. Our sense of safety can’t come from simply saying a prayer.
"Accept Jesus as Your Personal Savior" / Why NOT To Ask Jesus Into Your Heart Although the expression is common enough, I still have absolutely no idea of what it is supposed to mean even after well over twenty five years of being a Christian. Although I am sure most have the good sense to realize the invitation isn't literal, it is a completely meaningless phrase that communicates nothing comprehensible. Moreover, it is not found anywhere in the Scriptures.
God Loves You Is it Biblical or even accurate to tell a nonbeliever that God loves them?
Dangerous Misconceptions About Salvation
1.) We Are Fully And Finally Saved The Two Phase Atonement - The New Testament sometimes says that salvation is an accomplished reality but at other times says it is still in the future. This seeming contradiction is not limited to salvation alone but also occurs with confusing regularity in statements about other topics of crucial importance... justification, redemption, glorification, and adoption. Check it for yourself. So what is the answer? Can we be assured we have salvation now or is it something we have to strive and hope for. Have we already been adopted as sons or are we eagerly waiting for this adoption? Are we righteous now or is it yet a distant hope? For those who are actually interested in what the Scriptures have to say on the subject, as opposed to what parents, pastors, friends, or denomination may believe and teach, the answer to all of the above questions is .. BOTH. However, in order to understand when we are fully and finally saved we have to undertake an in-depth study of the Old Testament ritual of Yom Kippur and how it relates to our salvation.
2.) We Are Saved By Faith Alone I strongly suspect that if one were to ask the vast majority of Christians what one has to do to be saved, you would get a number of answers like "accept Jesus as your personal savior", "ask Jesus into your heart" etc. Although the terminology may vary the answers would almost all boil down to all you have to do is believe... all you have to do is have faith. In other words, at the very moment the sinner puts his, or her, faith in Jesus Christ and accepts Him as his/her savior, that person has entered into a covenant relationship with God, has received God's forgiveness of sins, and the gift of eternal life. It is certainly a fact that the Bible teaches that faith is an essential ingredient, without which it is impossible to please God, but it never ever teaches that faith is the only requirement for salvation.
3.) We Will Ever See God Without Holiness There is little or no emphasis on holiness in the modern church. It lies breathing its last buried below mega star preachers, flamboyant preaching, worship teams that could find work in many Broadway productions, large "crusades", exciting "revivals". In fact, one manmade creative program after the other - glitz and glamour that Hollywood could be proud of. Yet the Bible says "Without Holiness, No Man Shall See God!" (Hebrews 12:14) in view of which perhaps it would be wise to know exactly what it means by holiness
A New Beginning
Born Again Although you don’t have to do all things people think they must do... get an education, get married, have children, carve out a career etc, and you don’t have to have all of the things people think they must have ...a home, a car etc... The one thing you have to do during your lifetime is be born again... your future for an entire eternity hangs on it. The problem being that almost everyone talks about being born again; but virtually no one knows what the Word of God teaches about this new birth.
What’s Next - The Critical Subsequent Steps I have to hope that you are reading this because you have placed your confidence in Jesus Christ as the God who chose to come to earth as a human and by dying on the cross paid the ultimate price for the sins of those who would trust Him. (If not I suggest you read The Message of The Bible and Salvation (above). From the time you first put your faith in Christ something inside of you changed however, the changes are not only internal - your relationship with the God of the universe has also been radically altered - you now have peace with Him and can draw near the throne with confidence. However, what needs to be strongly borne in mind is that it is only the first step. So how should you go forward nurturing and developing your relationship with God?
Also See
Baptism and The Lord's Supper (communion) are the only two ordinances instituted by our Lord. Although neither one is a means of salvation nor should be a prerequisite for church membership, both should be observed by all Christians. These rites are outward symbols of inward spiritual grace but do not of themselves create spiritual change. We can however publicly and privately demonstrate our belonging to Christ by being baptized and partaking of Holy Communion.