
Section 8B ... Controversial Issues

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Martin Luther - Introduction and Index

Carol Brooks

Although many conservative Christians have escaped the snares of the wolves commonly found in the evangelical church, they often have their own 'gurus' that have been put on pedestals and idolized as being 'great men of God'. Most people, reading nothing more than isolated quotes made by the person and not taking the time to do any research on their own, take this as gospel truth.

Unfortunately, the beliefs and teachings of many historical figures are at variance with the Scriptures. Their main achievement often little more than an unparalleled ability to put pen to paper and produce a mind-boggling and unending stream of words which, in many cases, amounts to little more than philosophical gobbledygook. God wrote one book. Collectively they wrote thousands. This barrage of words is often confused with great wisdom and theological insight.

    The Cappadocian Fathers and Origen: Some of the more outstanding examples are the Cappadocian fathers and their terrifyingly heretical mentor Origen who, God help us all, has actually been called "one of the greatest Christian theologians" (See The Cappadocian Fathers. Part VII of Is God a Trinity

    John Calvin: And then we have John Calvin who came up with complex bewildering ideas that find no basis in Scripture for all that they are presented with a deluge of words, intricate arguments and endless repetition See Calvinism

    Augustine: Many leading Calvinists agree that Augustine's writings were the actual source of most of what is known as Calvinism today. The problem being much of Augustine's beliefs and teachings were Catholic to the core making it no surprise that he is usually held in high regard by many Catholic web sites. For example Augustine believed that salvation is not to be found outside of a 'pure' Catholic Church, which is the supreme teaching authority because of apostolic succession. He believed that the Catholic Church can forgive sins and that tradition is on par with the authority of the Scriptures. Furthermore he believed in the perpetual virginity of Mary, the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, to say nothing of purgatory and praying for the departed. Why he is revered by many Protestants is beyond me. See The Sins of Augustine

And then there is one other category - those who did get some things right. However, historical accuracy that is invariably quite complex has, all too often, given place to popular legend and over-simplification that most Christians unquestioningly and uncritically accept. Ignoring everything they were wrong about, we have made them the object of great attention and devotion, held them up as icons to be emulated, written numerous books about them, and even erected statues to their memory.

This article is devoted to one such person... 

Martin Luther

Meet Martin Luther [1483-1546]

Theses, Indulgences, and A Man Named Tetzel
As the account goes, in the year 1517 Martin Luther, protesting the reprehensible doctrine of indulgences,
posted ninety five theses on the door of the Castle Church at Wittenberg.

Wittenberg Church Door Posting - Fact or Fiction?
It is more than likely that popular legend has dramatized the entire incident.

The Intention Behind and Reason For The 95 Theses
What seems to be little known is that Luther's 95 Theses were not statements of fact,
but tentative opinions - some of which he was not quite certain of.
They were presented only as objections that needed to be discussed

Popular Fallacies About The Theses
Misconceptions about the content of Luther's Theses abound.
He was actually Luther was calling for the practice of indulgences to be reformed, not abolished.

Rome's Reaction and Luther's Counter Reaction

The Five Solas of The Reformation

Did Luther believe in Sola Gratia and Sola Fide (Salvation by Grace and Faith alone)?
OR did he teach salvation through Grace, Baptism, AND the Sacraments?

Luther's Reasoning Behind What We See As a Blatant Contradiction
What, according to Luther, constituted "works"


Luther and Catholicism
For the most part Luther's theology did not markedly differ from that of the Catholic church. Several Catholic doctrines remained firmly entrenched in his belief system. For example
Infant Baptism

Luther and the Ten Commandments

Luther's Vitriolic Polemics Against Those He Considered to Be 'Enemies' of The Faith.
The Jews and How Nazi Germany Viewed Luther
 The horrible things he said about the Jews were taken very seriously by the Nazis.
Catholic Bishops
The Anabaptists

The Peasants War
Luther condemned the serfs for attacking the monasteries and castles but encouraged the nobles to put down the rebellion by any means at their disposal. It is estimated that anywhere between 60,000 and 100,00 peasants were mercilessly slaughtered.


Martin Luther and Mary The Mother of Christ.
Was Luther an ardent supporter of Mary or are the numerous quotations from Martin Luther's extensive writings
and numerous sermons accurate representations of what He believed and taught?

Quotes and Misquotes
The Veneration of Mary
More Than Eve Or Sarah?
Nobility, Wisdom, And Holiness Personified
The Assumption
The Immaculate Conception
The Rosary
Mother of God

Mary's Perpetual Virginity
 was the one Catholic doctrine Luther held onto through his life

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