
Section 10A .. The Contemporary Church
Slain In The Spirit

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‘Slain’... By What Spirit? Part III

 Carol Brooks

"For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. "Behold, I have told you in advance. (Matthew 24:24-25 NASB)

Index to All Four Sections

PART I ...  Introduction. The never ending quest for signs and wonders. Slain In The Spirit. The final arbitrator - When it comes to spiritual matters ALL our decisions have be based NOT what took place in this ministry or that, NOT on anything anyone may claim or teach, and NOT on personal experiences (whether our own or someone else's), but on what the Word of God says - Nothing more, nothing less

PART II ...  Is There A Biblical Basis For Being "Slain" or "Resting" In The Spirit? Examining the 'Proof Texts' .

YOU ARE HERE 001orange PART III ... Related Phenomena - Is there any Biblical support for Shaking In The Spirit, being Drunk In The Spirit, "Holy" Laughter, or Trances?

PART IV... Comparing the supposedly 'Christian' phenomenon of 'Slain In The Spirit' with the ancient Hindu tradition of 'Awakening' Kundalini - an intelligent and contagious life force associated with the goddess Shakti. Can You Tell The Difference between the physical manifestations of 'Slain in The Spirit' and an 'awakened' Kundalini

Is There A Biblical Basis For
 “Shaking in The Spirit"
Being "Drunk In The Spirit"
"Holy" Laughter

The Million Dollar Question
Footnote I - The Warnings of Yesteryear

The only people in the New Testament who manifested irrational behavior of any kind
were those who were demon possessed.

Is There A Biblical Basis For "Shaking in The Spirit"?
In support of the physical phenomena that takes place at their meeting Bill Jackson says

Shaking is also common in our meetings and is one of the hardest phenomena to understand. The kinds of shaking vary greatly. Sometimes the shaking is accompanied by all sorts of bodily contortions; sometimes mild, sometimes almost violent. What, if any, biblical precedent is there? [01]

He then cites several Biblical passages. However, typical of virtually all false teachers, Jackson went to the Scriptures looking for anything that might validate what he already decided to believe. In this case, he apparently searched the Scriptures for any mention of the words shake or tremble regardless of whether it was used in an entirely different way with no bearing on what goes on at these meetings. 

For example, the following verses that use the words trembling or quaking are offered as proof texts by Bill Jackson. However, they are used in the context of people being afraid not convulsing on a church floor

Daniel 10.7: "I, Daniel, alone saw the vision. For the men who were with me did not see the vision. But a great quaking/trembling fell on them so that they fled to hide themselves."

    In Daniel 10:6-7 the men that were with Daniel did not actually see the magnificent and intimidating figure that Daniel saw but, a great dread (Heb. charadah) fell on them and they ran away. Verse 8 says even Daniel was overcome. In his words, "no strength was left in me, for my natural color turned to a deathly pallor, and I retained no strength." Something terrified them.

Psalm. 99.1: The Lord reigns, let the nations tremble (Heb. râgaz); he sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake."

    Râgaz means to quiver (with any violent emotion, especially anger or fear):

Psalm 114.7: "Tremble (Heb. chul) O earth at the presence of the Lord."

     A modicum of common sense should tell us that when a non-living thing is said to "tremble", it is figurative language not meant to be taken literally.

Jeremiah 5.22: "'Should you not fear me?' declares the Lord. 'Should you not tremble in my presence?'"

Jeremiah 23.9: In speaking of his prophetic experience, Jeremiah says, "My heart is broken within me; all my bones tremble. I am like a drunken man overcome by wine because of the Lord and his holy words." This is a significant verse because Jeremiah is relating that what happened to him on at least one occasion involved a trembling/shaking of his bones. His wording seems to imply that he shook from the inside out. It would take a powerful force to cause his bones to quiver inside his body. The analogy to being overcome could also be a reference to being entranced by the coming of a prophetic word. This text is an answer to God's plea in Jer. 5.22.

    Since bones don't actually tremble it is an expression or figure of speech similar to  'crying our eyes out' or 'quaking in our boots'. And do remember that although we commonly use the expression shaking with fear, we do not literally move.

    Besides which, anyone choosing to use this passage as a Biblical precedent cannot pick and choose which of the prophet's words to take literally. Jeremiah mentioned two "symptoms".. A broken heart and trembling bones. So if we are take it that his bones were literally trembling, then we also have to assume that his heart was also literally broken. In which case, it was curtains for the young prophet.

    Verse 29 actually begins a new discourse against against the false prophets and priests. The 'weeping prophet' is filled with anguish at the evil of the priests and prophets and shaking at the thought of the terrible judgment God will send them.

And, as a by the way, how anyone could consider Jeremiah 5:22 a plea is beyond me. It was a clear threat - made evident by verse 29 that has the Lord asking the rhetorical question... 'Shall I not punish these people?' - 'On a nation such as this Shall I not avenge Myself?' Read the verse for yourself.

Habakkuk 3.16: "I heard and my heart pounded; my lips quivered at the sound; decay crept into my bones and my legs trembled."

    Similarly the prophet Habakkuk speaks not only of "trembling" but of decay entering into his bones.

Matthew 28.4: The guards shook for fear of him and became like dead men. (Matthew 28:4 NASB)

     Fear again

Acts 4.31: "The place where they were meeting was shaken."

    The word rendered shaken is the Greek saleuo than can quite literally mean to shake, move, or agitate as in Acts 16:26 when the walls of the prison in which Paul and Silas were being held in were literally shaken to the point all the doors opened.

    On the other hand, Luke 21:26, Matthew 24:9 and Mark 13:25 use saleuo to speak of the day God will shake the powers of the heavens which is probably not a literal shaking. Note however that saleuo is used in reference to men only three times, but never means a literal shaking.

    For David says of Him, 'I saw the Lord always in my presence; for He is at my right hand, so that I will not be shaken (Gk. saleuo). (Acts 2:25 NASB)

    But when the Jews of Thessalonica found out that the word of God had been proclaimed by Paul in Berea also, they came there as well, agitating and stirring (Gk. saleuo up the crowds. (Acts 17:13 NASB)

    that you not be quickly shaken (Gk. saleuo) from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. (2 Thessalonians 2:2 NASB)

James 2.19 "The devils also believe and tremble."

    If you wish to compare your actions with those of demons, well... that is entirely up to you.

Bill Jackson also says

    "In the verses where the cause of shaking is mentioned, it has to do with holy fear. The shaking we are experiencing seems to be related more to prophetic ministry and impartation of spiritual gifts of which parallels can be seen in Fox's ministry. [02]

When virtually every Biblical example of people shaking is in the context of fear of the Lord and not a single instance exists of anyone shaking in the context of "prophetic ministry" or an "impartation of spiritual gifts", then it is extremely deceptive and misleading to even hint at the latter.

Is There A Biblical Basis For "Trances"?

There are one two occasions when someone in the New Testament fell into a trance -Peter did so once and so did Paul.

    Note: In modern usage the word "trance" usually conjures up the idea of a hypnotic or cataleptic semiconscious state. However a contemporary dictionary defines trance either as

    a.) a half-conscious state, seemingly between sleeping and waking, in which ability to function voluntarily may be suspended

    b.) Detachment from one's physical surroundings as in contemplation or daydreaming

These definitions fit the fact that both Peter and Paul saw and heard something while in the trance - they were not completely "out of it".


    But he became hungry and was desiring to eat; but while they were making preparations, he fell into a trance (Gr. ekstasis); (Acts 10:10 NASB) Note: When in Acts 11:5 Peter told the apostles and brethren in Jerusalem what had happened, he said "in a trance (Gr. ekstasis) I saw a vision,


    "It happened when I returned to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple, that I fell into a trance, and I saw Him saying to me, 'Make haste, and get out of Jerusalem quickly, because they will not accept your testimony about Me.' (Acts 22:17-18 NASB)

On both occasions there is a clear impression that the trances were very short lived. In Peter's case no sooner than the "great sheet" been taken up into the sky for the third time than the men who had been sent by Cornelius appeared at the gate.

Additionally, both trances had a very specific purpose. Paul was warned that his life was in danger, and both the vision Peter saw and the voice he heard had a very definite message - the Gospel was to be extended to the Gentiles and he was to be the first one to do so.

The question then becomes what is the purpose of someone falling into a trance in modern churches and lying around for what can be long periods of time accomplishing absolutely nothing? These trances neither have an significant function not an important message to relay.

Is There A Biblical Basis For Being "Drunk In The Spirit"?
Bill Jackson also endeavors to justify being "drunk in the spirit" by saying the disciples were accused of being drunk on Pentecost because they had to have been acting like drunks. In his words,

The text never says that they were but it is obviously inferred. They would not be accused of being drunk because they were speaking in different languages. They would have been accused of such because they were acting like drunks, i.e., laughing, falling, slurred speech by some, boldness through lack of restraint, etc. The analogy of the gift of the Spirit being "new wine" would lend itself to the connection. [03]

Unfortunately this is absolute nonsense. Read the verses in question...

    They were amazed (Gk. existemi) and astonished (Gk. thaumazo), saying, "Why, are not all these who are speaking Galileans? "And how is it that we each hear them in our own language to which we were born? ... And they all continued in amazement (Gk. existemi) and great perplexity (Gk. diaporeo), saying to one another, "What does this mean?" (Acts 2:7-8, 12-13 NASB)

The meaning of all three Greek words is quite similar. Existemi and Thaumazo literally mean to be astounded or amazed. Diaporeo on the other hand means to be thoroughly nonplussed, be in doubt, be much perplexed. Robertson's word pictures says the word means "to be wholly at a loss".

The crowd was completely bemused because the disciples were speaking to them in their various native tongues that the Galilean disciples themselves did not speak - a fact that the crowd was well aware of. The hearers did not merely recognize the languages but understood what the disciples were saying.

    And when this sound occurred, the crowd came together, and were bewildered because each one of them was hearing them speak in his own language. They were amazed and astonished, saying, "Why, are not all these who are speaking Galileans? "And how is it that we each hear them in our own language to which we were born? "Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya around Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs—we hear them in our own tongues speaking of the mighty deeds of God." (Acts 2:6-11 NASB)

However it is readily apparent that there were two groups of people present that day...

The first group in the crowd, wholly at a loss to explain what was going on, were curious wanting to know what was taking place. They asked themselves (and perhaps each other) what this could mean. However, the second group became rather hostile and instead of trying to find out what was behind it all, resorted to deriding the disciples, calling them drunk.

    And they all continued in amazement (Gk. existemi) and great perplexity (Gk. diaporeo) , saying to one another, "What does this mean?" But others were mocking and saying, "They are full of sweet wine." But Peter, taking his stand with the eleven, raised his voice and declared to them: "Men of Judea and all you who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you and give heed to my words. For these men are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only the third hour of the day; but this is what was spoken of through the prophet Joel: (Acts 2:12-16 NASB)

The problem with Mr. Jackson's claim is that drunks are easily recognizable. If the disciples had actually been acting drunk (laughing, falling, slurring their speech, showing lack of restraint etc.) no one in the crowd would have been 'perplexed' by their conduct. On the other hand, people often mock or jeer at what they do not understand, what they do not believe, or what they have closed their minds to (in this case to the things of God). Group B were simply fore-runners of many millions of people to come.

The disciples did not exhibit any drunken behavior, therefore this passage cannot be used as an excuse for the excesses that take place in the so called church.

Ephesians 5:18
Jackson also writes.. (Emphasis Added)

    In a passage dealing with the Ephesians putting off their old carousing lifestyle, Paul exhorts them, "Do not get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled (Greek present tense: "keep on being filled") with the Holy Spirit."

Paul is contrasting carnal drunkenness with spiritual filling. Given the tense of the Greek verb, he appears to also be making an analogy as well as a contrast. Being filled with God's Spirit is similar to being drunk on wine. The difference is that the former is holy while the other is sinful. [04]

The passage he is referring to is one of several instructions Paul gave the Ephesians each of which instruction is made up of two parts - what they should refrain from versus what they should do.  (All emphasis added)

    a.) and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but (Gk. allá) rather giving of thanks. (Ephesians 5:4 NASB)

    b.) Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but (Gk. allá) as wise, (Ephesians 5:15 NASB)

    c.) So then do not be foolish, but (Gk. allá) understand what the will of the Lord is. (Ephesians 5:17 NASB)

    d.) And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but (Gk. allá) be filled with the Spirit, (Ephesians 5:18 NASB)

Jackson says Paul "appears to also be making an analogy as well as a contrast". Analogy means 'a similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar. For example an analogy can be drawn between a viral infection and gossip inasmuch as both can spread quite rapidly from person to person.

However, in Greek allá typically means a strong adversative conjunction that expresses antithesis or opposition. A tiny sample of the near 600 times allá is used in the New Testament demonstrates how it expresses the exact opposite

     But He answered and said, "It is written, 'man shall not live on bread alone, but (Gk. allá) on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'"  (Matthew 4:4 NASB)

    "It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but (Gk. allá) what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man." (Matthew 15:11 NASB)

    not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but (Gk. allá) encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.  (Hebrews 10:25 NASB)

Finally, if Paul were drawing an analogy between carnal drunkenness and spiritual filling, then logically he had to be making an analogy between the two parts of the other instructions. For example, being "foolish" would have to have something in common with "understand what the will of the Lord is" and "coarse jesting" has to have something in common with "giving of thanks"

They don't.

Is There A Biblical Basis For "Holy Laughter"?
"Holy" laughter is touted as a special spiritual experience.

The Toronto "Blessing"
was a worldwide spiritual movement within Pentecostal and Charismatic churches, named after the Toronto Airport Vineyard Church in Toronto, Canada, where the movement first hit the headlines in January 1994. See The Toronto Deception

A 1995 article in Newsweek said...

    On a recent weeknight in Toronto, 1,500 worshipers gathered in the Vineyard Christian Church and had a good laugh. It began when a dozen pilgrims from Oregon got up to introduce themselves and then began to fall to the floor, laughing uncontrollably. An hour later, the huge new church looked like a field hospital. Dozens of men and women of all ages were lying on the floor: some were jerking spasmodically; others closed their eyes in silent ecstasy. A middle-aged woman kicked off her pumps and began whooping and trilling in a delicate dance. Scores of others proclaimed deliverance from emotional and physical pains. "I've been living in my spirit," said a woman from Long Island, N.Y., still giggling after 20 minutes on the floor.

These communal laugh-ins have been going on six nights a week, every week, for over a year at the charismatic congregation near Toronto's Pearson International Airport. In all, more than 100,000 people have experienced "the Toronto Blessing, " which believers interpret as an experience of the Holy Spirit much like the "speaking in tongues" mentioned in the New Testament. Hundreds of visiting pastors have taken the Blessing home to roughly 7,000 congregations in Hong Kong, Norway, South Africa and Australia, plus scores of churches in the United States. "It's a gusher of the Holy Spirit," says Pastor John Arnott of the Toronto Vineyard, who now travels around the world spreading the hilarity of the Lord. [05]

Note: This was written a long time ago unfortunately, anyone who imagines the Toronto "blessing' came, functioned for a while, then faded away couldn't be more mistaken. Nothing has changed in the ensuing years.

A 2016 article by Geoffrey Grider includes a video that shows Rodney Howard Browns stepping onto the stage around the 1:58 mark, closing the Bible, and beginning with "Well go ahead and just take a drink now. The bar's open - go ahead and take a drink". Around the 10 minute mark Brown began making some very bizarre repetitive noises which seemed to whip people up into a frenzy. WATCH HERE

A 2017 article by Holly Pivec says when she

    recently attended the Firestarters adult Sunday School class at Bethel Church in Redding, California, I was shocked by the teacher's announcement at the start of the class. "There are only three rules in this class. Rule 1: Get drunk. Rule 2: Stay drunk. Rule 3: Get other people drunk."

    Those are not exactly words you expect to hear at a church. Yet the encouragement to "get drunk" was a theme that ran through the entire two-hour class. [06]

Note: Bethel Church in Redding is lead by a "leadership Team" that includes Bill Johnson, Kris and Kathy Vallotton. See more about the first two in Prophets Or Deluded Charlatans

Also See Laughter as a "Spiritual" Experience in Hinduism and worship of the goddess

Laughter in The Bible
A search on the words laugh, laughter, laughed etc. in the Bible brings up a total of 34 results of which only 6 were in the New Testament. However, how the words are used is quite revealing..

a) Six references are to either Abraham or Sarah laughing when God told them that they would have a child in their old age. Bill Jackson says that "John Wimber believes that laughter accompanies revivals because it represents God's sovereign activity to heal the barrenness of his people".

    Abraham fell on his face and laughed in Genesis 17:17 and Sarah laughed to herself when she heard God tell Abraham that  by that time next year she would have a son (Genesis 18:9–15). This is why when Isaac was born he was named "he laughs". Sarah specifically referred to this when she said "God has made laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh with me."

This 'laughter' was not an expression of mirth or amusement but joy at having a son and wonder at the power of the Lord in bringing this about when Abraham was seventy years old

b) At least 14, or almost one third of the total references, directly mention scornful or derisive laughter.

c) Four are in Ecclesiastes of which one clearly states that sorrow is better than laughter, another says there is time for laughter, and a third talks about the laughter of fools. A fourth says laughter is "madness". (Ecclesiastes 3:4, 2:2, 7:3, 7:6).

d) Proverbs 14:13 says "Even in laughter the heart may be in pain, And the end of joy may be grief", while Proverbs 29:9 says, "When a wise man has a controversy with a foolish man, The foolish man either rages or laughs, and there is no rest.  (Proverbs 29:9 NASB)"

e) Two are unrelated: "When she lifts herself on high, She laughs at the horse and his rider.  (Job 39:18 NASB)

    "He laughs at fear and is not dismayed; And he does not turn back from the sword.  (Job 39:22 NASB)

f) And, finally, three of the six New Testament verses actually warn against laughter (the three are scornful laughter).

    "Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.  (Luke 6:21 NASB)

    "Woe to you who are well-fed now, for you shall be hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep. (Luke 6:25 NASB)

    Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom.  (James 4:9 NASB)

In fact, only two verses speak of laughter as a good thing

    "He will yet fill your mouth with laughter And your lips with shouting.  (Job 8:21 NASB)

    Then our mouth was filled with laughter And our tongue with joyful shouting; Then they said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them."  (Psalms 126:2 NASB)

I don't doubt that I have lost count but I am sure you get the picture. It certainly doesn't mean that God doesn't have a sense of humor or that people in the Bible never laughed, but simply that God did not choose to place much emphasis on laughter, which is often for the wrong reasons.

In other words, there is no Biblical basis for "laughing revivals" and Jesus' words "woe unto you who laugh now!" do not bode well for those that participate in them. It doesn't mean that God doesn't have a sense of humor or that people in the Bible never laughed, but simply that the Bible emphasized "joy" far more often than it did laughter.

The two words have entirely different meanings. Any dictionary in the world will tell you that "joy" is happiness and while happiness can be expressed in laughter, it is not necessarily or even usually the case. One can be extremely happy without laughing out loud.Much to the contrary, we tend to smile far more often than we burst out laughing when we are happy, .

Thus it is incorrect and misleading to substitute the word 'laughter', when the Bible says 'joy'.


Involuntary Falling:
In a very limited number of instances in the Scriptures people were unable to keep their feet as a result of being overwhelmed by the presence of God. However, this took place on very rare occasions AND under some very exceptional circumstances. For example, when the glory of the Lord filled the house of God 2 Chronicles 5:14. and when Daniel and John were given hugely important revelation describing very significant events that would take place at the end of days

Besides which God does not need 'catchers" who stand behind people to lower them to the ground when they are 'Slain in the Spirit'. He is quite capable of seeing to it that people are "blessed" without injuring themselves. Now would He ever put His daughters in embarrassing positions requiring someone to cover their lower bodies with a sheet.

Resting In The Spirit
The only specific instances when God put someone into a deep sleep in in Genesis 2:21 was when He removed one of Adam's ribs. In Genesis 15:12 Abraham was also said to have fallen into a deep sleep when God confirmed His covenant with him. The verse uses the same Hebrew word (tardêmâh) which leaves little doubt that God caused this sleep.

Shaking In The Spirit
An ounce of common sense should tell us that when a non-living thing is said to "tremble" it is figurative language used for effect and not meant to be taken literally. Virtually every Biblical example of people or objects shaking is in fear or awe of the Lord never in the context of "prophetic ministry" or "impartation of spiritual gifts". In the New Testament spiritual gifts were given without even a hint of a quiver.

Being Drunk in the Spirit
The disciples did not exhibit any drunken behavior. Everyone recognizes a drunk. If the disciples had been the worse for wear no one in the crowd would have been amazed and perplexed at what they were hearing. Besides which drunks do not speak in languages unknown to them. The people who mocked the disciples claiming they were full of sweet wine were jeering at what they did not understand and did not believe. They were the fore-runners of many millions of people to come.

"Holy" Laughter
There is no Biblical basis for "laughing revivals". Certainly Jesus' words "woe unto you who laugh now!" do not bode well for those that participate in them. It doesn't mean that God doesn't have a sense of humor or that people in the Bible never laughed, but simply that the Bible emphasized "joy" far more often than it did laughter -which is often for the wrong reasons. 

 Also See The Warnings of Yesteryear in Footnote I

The Million Dollar Question

By now, it should be patently obvious that the practice of being slain in the spirit with all it's accompanying manifestations, does not find it's origins in the Bible. This leaves us with tremendously important question - What or who is behind this phenomenon? There is no question that some people have reported feeling an "energy" or "force" that caused them to fall backwards.

Where does this 'energy' or 'power' come from?

The answer is just the same now as it was when the Messiah walked the earth...

The only people in the New Testament who manifested irrational behavior of any kind were those who were demon possessed. Except, for the foaming at the mouth the manifestations of the 'Slain in the Spirit' phenomena bears an alarming resemblance to the symptoms exhibited by the boy possessed by a spirit. He was brought to Jesus by his father after the disciples were unsuccessful in casting out the demon that controlled him.

    They brought the boy to Him. When he saw Him, immediately the spirit threw him into a convulsion, and falling to the ground, he began rolling around and foaming at the mouth. (Mark 9:20 NASB)

What was, in Jesus' time, considered proof of demonic possession, is now considered proof of Divine favor... an indication of how far we have fallen.

In fact, it is quite telling how the same extraordinary physical symptoms turn up in the most questionable places. In a book entitled 'Three Famous Occultists' (Dr. John Dee, Franz Anton Mesmer and Thomas Lake Harris) by a contemporary historian describes what happened at some of Mesmer's healing sessions.

    'Some are calm, tranquil and experience no effect. Others cough, spit, feel slight pains, local or general heat, and have sweatings. Others, again, are agitated and tormented with convulsions. These convulsions are remarkable in regard to the number affected with them, to their duration and force. They are preceded and followed by a state of languor or reverie' [07]

I know that many orthodox Christians believe the phenomena is due to some kind of mass hysteria. While this may be partially true, I am afraid that all the evidence quite clearly indicates that the 'power' and the resulting manifestations come directly from occult sources. This is best illustrated by comparing the experiences and behavior of the people at Charismatic meetings with disciples of Hindu gurus who have had a spiritual power or 'Kundalini Awakening' conferred on them.

What is truly alarming is that the requirements for receiving are the same, the methods of transmissions are the same, and the physical manifestations are the same. Let me repeat that... The requirements for receiving are the same, the methods of transmissions are the same, and the physical manifestations are the same.

  001orange Continue To Chapter IV
- Comparing The Supposedly 'Christian' Phenomenon of 'Slain In The Spirit' with The Ancient Hindu Tradition of 'Awakening'Kundalini - The Concentrated Life Force Associated With The Goddess Shakti. HERE

Footnote I - The Warnings of Yesteryear
It is exceedingly common for people to point to various ministries and claim that since this person was "mightily" used of God, whatever manifestations took place in that ministry had to also have been from God. It is a specious and misleading rationalization.  It does not follow that because a person may have been used of God, they were never mistaken in any of their beliefs and no false spirits ever infiltrated their meetings.

In any case the final arbitrator in any dispute over spiritual matters is not what took place in this ministry or that, but what the word of God says. Nothing more, nothing less.  Besides which, these very men issued warnings that we are very quick to ignore.

 John Wesley warned

    "Do not hastily ascribe things to God. Do not easily suppose dreams, voices, impressions, visions, or revelations to be from God. They may be from Him. They may be from Nature. They may be from the devil. Therefore believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they be from God." [08]

A.B. Simpson, who believed in supernatural gifts and manifestations, observed,

    "There have been many instances where (seeking) the gift of tongues led the subjects and the audiences in to the wildest excesses and were accompanied with voices and actions more closely resembling wild animals than rational beings, impressing the unprejudiced observers that it was the work of the devil." [09]

Paul Rader, pastor of Moody Memorial Church and President of the C&MA after Simpson's death, writes of casting out a demon from a man who came down the aisle of Moody Church barking like a dog. [10]

Charles Parham also described manifestations of barking like a dog, braying like a donkey, crowing like a rooster, and contortions and fits as demonic. [11]

Jessie Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts were very involved with the 1904-1905 Welsh revival but although, as I understand, she leaned towards to mystical, she became extremely concerned about the demonic manifestations that began to dominate their meetings. In order to try and combat the deception they wrote War on the Saints: a disclosure of the deceptive strategies used by evil spirits against God's people. The forward warned of "the grave dangers that beset the path of uninformed enthusiasm. One of the points made in Chapter 6 of is extremely striking.

    Counterfeit manifestations of the Divine life in various ways now follow quickly; movements in the body, pleasant thrills, touches, a glow as of fire in different parts of the body; or sensations of cold, or shakings, and tremblings; all accepted by the believer as from God, but showing what a full entry the deceiving spirit has obtained to the bodily frame; 

The physical symptoms she included as being among the counterfeits were.

    grief and joy, heat and cold, laughter and tears, all succeed each other in rapid changes, and varied degrees--in brief, the emotional sensibilities seem to have full play. [12]

End Notes
[01] Bill Jackson. What In The World Is Happening To Us? http://www.evanwiggs.com/revival/manifest/holylaff.html

[02] ibid.

[03] ibid.

[04] ibid.

[05] Kenneth L. Woodward. The Giggles Are For God. Newsweek Magazine. http://www.newsweek.com/giggles-are-god-185104

[06] Holly Pivec. Getting wasted with the Holy Spirit at Bethel Redding.

[07] Three Famous Occultists by G. M. Hort (Author), W. P. Swainson (Author) Publisher: Kessinger Publishing, LLC
(September 10, 2010). Pg. 87

[08] A Plain Account of Christian Perfection. As Believed and Taught by The Reverend Mr. John Wesley, From the Year 1725, to the Year 1777. The Works of John Wesley (1872 ed. by Thomas Jackson), vol. 11, # 29, pp. 366-446.
The Wesley Center Online web site. http://wesley.nnu.edu/?id=786

[09] A.B. Simpson, Christian and Missionary Alliance Weekly, Feb. 2, 1907

[10] Paul Rader, "At Thy Word - A Farewell Message," The Alliance Weekly, Nov. 20, 1920, 532

[11] Charles Parham, The Everlasting Gospel (Baxter Springs, n.d.), Pgs 71-72

[12] Jessie Penn-Lewis. War on the Saints. Chapter 6...Counterfeits of the Divine.
http://www.apostasynow.com/wots/Chap06.html. Based on the unabridged 1912 edition


Slain In The Spirit... Part II